our story

why hi-ya

Greeting cards & well wishes sent through mail provide a real, tangible connection and a powerful means of expression. Hand-written
notes convey an intimate link between the sender and recipient. You can open a card, hold a card, see the sender’s handwriting, set it on your mantel & hold onto it as a keepsake. Cards are special. In this crazy fast-paced world spinning plates & shooting off quick texts, writing gives us the opportunity to slow down, reflect and reach out.

who is hi-ya

Co-founders and owners, Lisa & Bella have been friends for decades and have collaborated in the business world on a few different occasions. Lisa is a graphic designer, marketer and web specialist. Lisa’s loves are her cats, Jinx & Lynx, red wine and shuffleboard. Bella has spent her career in operations management, accounting and client relations, and is an Army Vet.  Letters were a lifeline during her time in the military.  Bella likes hikes with her dogs, Timber & Daisy, ping pong & yard games. They both love roller skating & billiards and do both together regularly…as in, together but not at the same time!

hi-ya is a small, women-owned company.  We are Boutique-minded, meaning we create and purchase in small batches.  We do this to stay personally connected to our items, avoiding large warehouse storage.  Our items are created within the US with eco-friendly materials.

meet bella

I’ve always loved to write. I kept a journal when I was younger & I was that kid passing notes in class to my friends. I also have a love affair with organization & a tidy home office. When it came to stationery & cards however, things weren’t so tidy. When it was time to send a birthday card, I found myself rummaging through my messy drawer to find a card that might work or running out at the last minute to pick one up. I also subscribe to “a place for everything & everything in it’s place.” So hi-ya hits just right for me.

A beautiful box, hand crafted cards & all of the tools to support my love of writing & keeping connected. I really hope you enjoy hi-ya!

My mantra: What you think about, you bring about

Bella – Co-owner, otter lover, connection champion

meet lisa

I have recently discovered that warm feeling I get when I send someone a card (or receive one) through the mail.  Covid made us all feel so isolated. Being a single mom, I’ve struggled to balance life, so sending cards & thanking friends was not happening, but now I’m seeing that it’s not a hassle if you’re organized. hi-ya makes it easy to show others how much they mean to me…sending Ty’s and bday cards gives me a great feeling. Letting friends & family know, even in my busy world, that I appreciate them. I’m now prepared & organized and have everything at my fingertips. I feel good, look good and love bringing back the tradition of mail.

TNP – Take no prisoners is my usual mantra (meaning to me, “focus, determined and get things done- kick butt”). I’m getting it done… keeping connections, making new ones and feeling good about it.

Lisa – Co-owner, cat lover, recently organized

why otters

At hi-ya, we love otters. Otters are playful, curious, resourceful and symbolize friendship, kindness and connection. Otters are social and appear sentimental, often carrying a favorite rock around with them wherever they go. Otters are also clever & use tools to crack open shells. Sea otters hang out together in large groups called rafts and often hold hands to avoid drifting away from each other. Otters are quite inquisitive, a little mischievous… and adorable.